Electric vehicles vs Conventional
As someone who has been into automotive spare parts business as our family business since three generations, this particular topic has always been of great interest to me and the theories for the future of automotive industry never fails to fascinate me.
These are some of the most interesting postulations out there. Let's see what the future holds.
3. Faulty electric motors are not repaired in the dealership but are sent to a regional repair shop that repairs them with robots.
4. Your electric motor malfunction light goes on, so you drive up to what looks like a car wash, and your car is towed through while you have a cup of coffee and out comes your car with a new electric motor!
5. Petrol pumps will go away. Street corners will have meters that dispense electricity. Companies will install electrical recharging stations; in fact, they’ve already started in the so called developed world. You can start to see some of them already in your neighbourhood.
6. Smart major auto manufacturers have already designated money to start building new plants that only build electric cars. Also driverless cars are in the making and supposedly set to disrupt the future of automotive industry on a massive scale. Automation will take over every major sphere of our future.
7. Coal industries will go away. Gasoline/oil companies will go away. Drilling for oil will stop. So say goodbye to OPEC! The middle-east and its glory will become a thing of the past. Elon Musk famously said that there is no future of oil in a room full of Arabs!
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