Electric vehicles vs Conventional


Electric vehicles vs Conventional


Electric vehicles are cleaner, more efficient and cost-effective than conventional cars. However, they have not yet been widely adopted. As the U.S. moves toward an electric vehicle market, companies must consider the economic and environmental costs of adopting this technology as well as the benefits it can provide to consumers.

Electric vehicles are clean, efficient and cost-effective.

Electric vehicles are clean, efficient and cost-effective. They're more efficient than gas-powered cars because they don't use fuel and can be powered by electricity generated by renewable sources. EVs also have lower maintenance costs than conventional vehicles due to their lack of moving parts, which makes them easier to maintain.

The following table compares the major costs associated with owning an electric vehicle versus a conventional car:

Reduce greenhouse gases with electric cars.

Electric vehicles are a great way to reduce greenhouse gases. They produce no emissions and use far less fuel than conventional cars, which means they generate less carbon dioxide.

The batteries in an electric car can also be recycled when they reach the end of their lifespan. This means that you don't have to send them straight into landfill; instead, it's possible for them to be reused by someone else who needs a battery replacement or who wants one as part of their daily life (for example, if you live in an area where there aren't many public charging points).

Reduce air pollution with electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles powered by electricity generated from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, produce zero tailpipe emissions. Their only emissions come from the power plant that generates their electricity. In addition to being clean, electric vehicles also have no emissions from the battery or other components of the vehicle.

Electric vehicles reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil.

Electric vehicles reduce U.S. reliance on foreign oil. In 2017, the United States imported nearly 7 million barrels of oil per day, which accounted for more than 20% of all its daily imports (see graph). As electric vehicles replace conventional cars and trucks in the U.S., this number will decline significantly because fewer people will be driving those types of vehicles on a daily basis.

Save money with electric cars.

Electric cars are cheaper to run than conventional cars. They have fewer moving parts, so they’re more efficient in the long run.

Electric vehicles are also cheaper to buy: The average price of an electric vehicle is about $30,000 (including battery costs) compared with about $40,000 for a comparable diesel or gasoline-powered car.

Electric vehicles are a practical choice for transportation needs.

Electric vehicles are a practical choice for transportation needs. They are efficient, clean and cost-effective. They also reduce greenhouse gases, air pollution and reliance on foreign oil.


Electric vehicles are a great option for the future of transportation. They’re more efficient, cleaner and cost-effective than conventional cars. There are many benefits to driving an electric vehicle, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Electric cars also reduce dependence on foreign oil and help save money in the long term by reducing fuel costs over time.
